The Oregon CPC+ Payer Group is a voluntary, payer-led group that started meeting in May of 2017. After finding value in having a convener through CPC Classic, the payers agreed to continue meeting through CPC+. With financial contributions from each of the participating payers and the Oregon Health Leadership Council, Diana Bianco of Artemis Consulting and Comagine Health (formerly Oregon Health Care Quality Corporation/HealthInsight Oregon) were hired to convene and facilitate the CPC+ Payer Group.
Since May 2017, Comagine Health, Artemis Consulting and OHLC serve together as the convener for the 14 payer organizations participating in Oregon. As conveners, we support the Payer Group’s efforts to learn, coordinate and align around key aspects of the program, including quality measures, alternative payment model implementation and support for practice care delivery transformation. Here’s a timeline of events in the Oregon CPC+ Payer Group:
May 2017: The Payer Group’s inaugural meeting. In this meeting, the group determined the need for a roadmap to guide the work of the group. The conveners drafted a roadmap after the CMS Roadmap for CPC+. At the request of the Payer Group, the Oregon CPC+ Payer Group roadmap is grounded in and linked to the local context, ensuring linkages to and acknowledgement of other state initiatives that relate to the work of CPC+. You can read the current CPC+ Payer Group Roadmap in the ‘Resources’ section of this website.
October 2017: The Payer Group began exploring data aggregation to support CPC+ practices in Oregon. Comagine Health, Oregon Health Authority: Office of Health Information Technology and the convening team shared current state-based efforts and data aggregation solutions in other CPC+ regions.
April 2018: The Payer Group affirmed their commitment to supporting existing state initiatives for data aggregation work in Oregon. This included choosing the Comagine Health Reporting Portal as the tool to provide quality and utilization measure results to CPC+ practices using aggregated claims data. You can read more about the Reporting Portal and data aggregation for CPC+ in the ‘Resources’ section of this website.
July 2018: CMS selected Oregon as a partner region in data aggregation, meaning CMS contributes both Medicare FFS claims data to the Oregon Data Collaborative and financial support.
November 2018: The Payer Group identified goals for 2019. This includes: producing and sharing with stakeholders a summary of the program’s accomplishments and highlights for the first two years of the program, exploring alignment on key aspects of the payment model, and measuring and highlighting the ROI of CPC+ in Oregon.
February 2019: The Payer Group started to explore using the aggregated claims data from the Oregon Data Collaborative to analyze the impact of CPC+ in Oregon.
June 2019: The Payer Group is working alongside the Primary Care Payment Reform Collaborative to establish a shared framework and definitions around attribution.